Marketing Swag

Swag Merchandise:
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Give your company exclusive branding
Globol Spin services the NYC school system and companies with exclusive swag services.
We know finding the perfect product is important. The product needs to fit your brand and your promotion.
So whether it’s products from the world’s most beloved brands or inexpensive giveaways that get attention,
we’ve got what you’re looking for, including many brands you won’t find anywhere else. Free samples,
well, you know we’ll send them out to them at no charge. We want that product to physically get in their
hands so they can touch it, feel it, and use it. When they get their order, they know exactly what they’re going
to pay for it. There are no surprises when they go to place their order.
Making sure your logo looks perfect regardless of the product or imprinting method is crucial.
Custom Fabrication:
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Make Your Graphics Special:
A brand is a personality. And what is a personality but a one-of-a-kind expression?
To bring that to life, our custom fabrication shop is ready to take on all visual expressions
of your brand, and solve the engineering to make it a reality in your environment.
Globol Spin has over 20 years of experience fabricating metals, woods, plastics, glass, and plexi,
and combining them with lighting, engineering, graphics, electronics, and now digital signage.